*thirtyDayMessage: Your temporary WorkShop license will expire in %d days.\nPlease contact your sales or service representative to complete your\nsoftware registration or to purchase additional copies of WorkShop.
*sixtyDayMessage: Your temporary WorkShop license will expire in %d days.\nPlease complete and return the registration card\nincluded with your software to obtain a permanent license\nconfigured for your installation.
*ninetyDayMessage: Your temporary WorkShop license will expire in %d days.\nPlease complete and return the registration card\nincluded with your software to obtain a permanent license\nconfigured for your installation.
*noLicenseServerMessage: Unable to locate a license server. Consult \nthe WorkShop Release Notes for information on\nsetting up your network license server.
*notEnoughLicensesMessage: No WorkShop licenses are available at this time. Contact\nyour sales representative or dealer to purchase additional\nlicenses or try again later.
*Evaluation*thirtyDayMessage: Your evaluation license for WorkShop\nwill expire in %d days.\n\nTo purchase a permanent license or extend\nyour evaluation period, contact your local sales\nrepresentative or call Silicon Graphics directly\nat 1.800.800.7441 or 1.415.960.1980.\n\nExtensions are also available at the following\nweb site:\n\nhttp://www.sgi.com/Products/license.html\n\nor email: demolicense@sgi.com
*Evaluation*licenseExpiredMessage: Your evaluation period for WorkShop\nhas expired. \n\nTo purchase a permanent license or extend your\nevaluation period, contact your local sales\nrepresentative or call Silicon Graphics directly\nat 1.800.800.7441 or 1.415.960.1980.\n\nExtensions are also available at the following\nweb site:\n\nhttp://www.sgi.com/Products/license.html or\n\nemail: demolicense@sgi.com
*noFlexlmLicenseMessage: WorkShop could not find a valid FlexLM license.\n\nWorkShop no longer supports any NetLS license.\nPlease contact Silicon Graphics to obtain a FlexLM replacement for your old license. \n\nTo obtain an Evaluation or Permanent license, please visit our license\nrequest web page:\n\n http://www.sgi.com/Products/license.html\n\n or send a blank email message to:\n\n license@sgi.com for a Permanent License or\n\n demolicense@sgi.com for an Evaluation License.\n\nIn North America, Silicon Graphics' customers may request\nPermanent licenses by sending a facsimile to:\n\n (415) 390-0537\n\n or by calling our technical support hotline:\n\n 1-800-800-4SGI\n\nIf you are outside of North America or you are not a Silicon\nGraphics support customer, then contact your local support provider.\n\nNote: Permanent Licenses require verification of entitlement\n(i.e., Proof-of-Purchase).
*noLicenseMessage: Unable to find a WorkShop license. To obtain an Evaluation\nor Permanent license, please visit our license request web page:\n\n http://www.sgi.com/Products/license.html\n\n or send a blank email message to:\n\n license@sgi.com for a Permanent License or\n\n demolicense@sgi.com for an Evaluation License.\n\nIn North America, Silicon Graphics' customers may request\nPermanent licenses by sending a facsimile to:\n\n (415) 390-0537\n\n or by calling our technical support hotline:\n\n 1-800-800-4SGI\n\nIf you are outside of North America or you are not a Silicon\nGraphics support customer, then contact your local support provider.\n\nNote: Permanent Licenses require verification of entitlement\n(i.e., Proof-of-Purchase).
*licenseExpiredMessage: Your WorkShop License has expired. To obtain an Evaluation\nor Permanent license, please visit our license request web page:\n\n http://www.sgi.com/Products/license.html\n\n or send a blank email message to:\n\n license@sgi.com for a Permanent License or\n\n demolicense@sgi.com for an Evaluation License.\n\nIn North America, Silicon Graphics' customers may request\nPermanent licenses by sending a facsimile to:\n\n (415) 390-0537\n\n or by calling our technical support hotline:\n\n 1-800-800-4SGI\n\nIf you are outside of North America or you are not a Silicon\nGraphics support customer, then contact your local support provider.\n\nNote: Permanent Licenses require verification of entitlement\n(i.e., Proof-of-Purchase).
*warnLoseLicenseMessage: Unable to renew your software license. Consult\nthe NetLS LSSERVER Release Notes for information on\ntroubleshooting your license server and network services.
*regainLicenseMessage: WorkShop license regained.
*enterLicenseMessage: WorkShop requires a license. Please enter your license\nkey and click OK. Temporary license keys are available at the\nfollowing web site\n\nhttp://www.sgi.com/Products/license.html\n\nor call our technical support hotline at 1-800-800-4SGI.\n\nIf you have an existing NetLS license for a previous version of\nWorkShop, you can click Cancel to try to find a NetLS\nlicense.
!!! Turn off all Xt and Motif warning messages
! This should be off when we ship, but ON for internal testing